A spam filter is a piece of software that is installed on a mail server and keeps track of all incoming messages so as to stop any unrequested ones from entering a specific mailbox. A few examples of such emails would be: offers for pills or money, fraudulent bank notices or email attachments that contain malicious software sent with the idea of infecting your computer. Spam filters usually check the content of an email and in case they detect certain keywords or other suspicious content, they either erase the email or re-send it to the Junk/Spam folder instead of the Inbox folder. Certain hosting companies mix their own email filters with up-to-the-minute databases from spam-tracking organizations, so as to ensure higher levels of safety for their customers. Such databases include patterns, email server IPs and other info about spam email messages recently detected by these organizations.

Spam Filters in Cloud Hosting

Our cloud hosting servers employ one of the best anti-spam filters out there. It is called SpamAssassin and is offered with each and every cloud hosting plan, so in case you host your domain names with us, you can pick one of the five levels of protection that the filter offers for any mailbox that you’ve got here. You can accomplish this with just two clicks from the Email Manager section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel that is used to manage all shared hosting accounts. SpamAssassin analyzes the header section and the content of each and every message, gives it a spam score and then proceeds in accordance with the level that you’ve picked. Each mailbox can have a different setting and you can select whether the emails that the filter labels as spam should be erased or redirected to a different email address where you can examine them at a later point in time, so as to prevent deleting an authentic email message. Switching to another level or disabling the protection is also surprisingly easy.

Spam Filters in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you order a semi-dedicated server package from our company and if you set up one or more email addresses with any of the domains hosted under your account, you’ll be able to enable the advanced, 5-level SpamAssassin filter that we offer and keep all unwelcome emails out of your inbox. This functionality is accessible through the Email Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel and it can be activated or deactivated for any mailbox whenever you want. You can also adjust the protection level with a few mouse clicks if unsolicited bulk emails continue to appear in your mailbox or the anti-spam filter starts removing genuine emails. As you can select whether the spam should be erased instantly or forwarded to another email account, you can set up spam@domain.com, for instance, and view all filtered email messages there, so as to make certain that you will not miss an email that you require. The email messages that the anti-spam filter permits to proceed will still be delivered to your mailbox.